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    Posted by: Gillian Day BHSc. Comp Med, Adv Dip Nat, AFMCP Grad


    Most of us have heard of the saying “everything in moderation” and it makes sense, right? Allowing small amounts of any wonder of foods and treats like alcohol and ice cream into your diet – as long as it’s in “moderation”. The challenge is – moderation is subjective; for one person moderation might mean a glass of wine each night with two nights off per week – and moderation for someone else might mean five glasses of wine once a week. Whilst “everything in moderation” can be attractive advice, it can also be a trap. Here are some considerations to keep your health in moderation;

    Listen to your body

    Your body is a very sophisticated piece of machinery – and you only get one, so it’s best to take care of it. When your body is healthy and happy it will ‘communicate’ with you and tell you so. That communication might be; feeling well rested when you wake, having all the energy you need to get through your day, without having to rely on ‘false’ energy like caffeine. Or maybe your body tells you it’s happy by gliding through the cold and flu season, oblivious as those around you are coughing and sneezing? Similarly, your body will communicate with you to tell you it’s not happy. Do you have trouble getting to sleep, or staying asleep? Or do you ‘never’ feel well rested and can’t get through the day without a morning and-or afternoon coffee? Do you feel like you’ve been sick “a lot” this season? Or, do your muscles ache and does it take you longer than normal to recover after that spin class? Your body will tell you when it needs more or less of something, or when it’s had enough – Are you listening?

    Quality is key

    If you’re listening to your body and it’s telling you it wants a flat white, then try this…….. instead having a cup of instant coffee every day because it has smaller amounts of caffeine; treat yourself to your favourite cup made by the very best barista in town. Then instead of guzzling it back whilst running for public transport – sit down, turn off your devices and distractions and instead evoke all of your senses into that cup of coffee at that moment; smell it, feel it’s warmth, and of course taste it; really taste it! Then – don’t have another cup for a week ? Whilst this might sound challenging, I can guarantee you’ll enjoy your cup more.

    Don’t judge others

    Bitterness should be left in the cup of coffee you now have once a week ? Try not to judge others for their lifestyle choices, or how they choose to eat and exercise. Health is a very personal journey not necessarily a destination and moderation should really be about what is best for you right now.

    Let Go

    We can all benefit from eating a little less and moving a little more, however none of us will benefit from guilt and deprivation that can sometimes be associated with food and lifestyle choices. Labeling dietary selections as bad – or thinking of some foods as the enemy is setting yourself up for perfection – which is just not sustainable 100% of the time.

    The 80/20 Rule

    There are so many ways to achieve moderation in your health and wellness journey – and the 80/20 rule is just one of them. Put simply – if you can support your body 80% of the time, you can abuse your body 20% of the time – whether that abuse comes from a glass (or 2) of your favourite ‘malbec’, a flat white made from the very best barista in town or ordering your favourite dessert. This ensures you’re not depriving yourself and you can still indulge in your favourite treats when you want them.

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