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    Design: Don't Neglect Your Purpose

    Posted by: Gillian Day BHSc. Comp Med, Adv Dip Nat, AFMCP Grad

    Design: Don't Neglect Your Purpose

    Some people know their life purpose so well it’s felt in their bones and through to their core. This purpose drives their life decision making processes until they reach this goal and/or purpose. However, for the rest of us – we can’t really pin point one specific purpose – maybe there are a variety of things calling out to you, or maybe you have no clue and you’ve tried every self-help book, TEDtalk and motivational podcast out there! Overwhelmed – I bet! So…….this is not an article to help you find your purpose, your mojo, your joy, your one thing for so many reasons but mainly because – who am I to tell you what that is? You know yourself better than anyone else knows you, so only you know deep down what’s best for you.8 However, this is an article if you want to stop constantly over thinking your purpose and you want to start calling it in! You don’t need to try ALL of these suggestions – just pick the one that is the most relevant to you right now and go do that. Just one thing. Share your insights and what’s worked for you by commenting below…..

    Make self-care a priority

    When was the last time you did something just for you? I’m not necessarily talking about taking a bubble bath or putting on a face mask…….just choose one thing that you do deliberately for the greater good of your emotional, physical or mental health. Is it singing, is it taking 20 minutes daily for your favourite cup of tea and curling up with a book? Is it creating your pinterest vision board? Just choose Take a minute, right now – and think about all of things that would make you feel refreshed and revitalised in your mind, your body and your spirit, then do 1 of those things, each and every day.

    Reclaim your sense of wonder in life

    “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein

    Children are the best example aren’t they? Children have a sense of ‘wonder’ all the time and have a sense of curiosity about almost everything. Start by paying attention and being present throughout your day. Begin to notice what is around you. Take a minute to stare at the clouds in your lunch break, or the stars at night as you’re putting the bins out. If you’re lucky, life contains a number of extraordinary moments. However, more often than not – it’s also made up of thousands upon thousands of ordinary moments too. If we spend our time holding out for only the extraordinary we will miss out on the magic of life and the unknown all around us.

    Get in touch with nature

    Take a hike and hug a tree! Go to the park and walk barefoot on the grass. Listen to the birds in the morning or the bats at night. There is so much beauty and abundance that is all around us so let the beauty of nature take your breath away. You don’t have to live on a deserted island to get in touch with nature, just get outside and get amongst it today!

    Turn off the TV

    Now, I love, love, LOVED the last season of MAFS as did the rest of the country, and sometimes binge watching the latest Netflix drama is exactly what life calls for. However, if you’re one to come home from work and plonk yourself in front of the TV night after night – then find something else to do. Read a book. Take a walk after dinner. Play a game with your kids, your partner or your room-mate. Get creative. Use the time you would normally watch TV to start a business or grow the one you already have. Just start with one hour a night or one night a week – no TV!

    Find your tribe!

    It’s human nature to want to belong – a desire to feel connected. However, finding a tribe as an adult can be tough. Maybe you’ve been lucky to find a tribe when you were younger, however you’ve grown apart as you transition through the life stages. Or maybe you had your tribe, but they’re now scattered all over the world. Thanks to the likes of Skype and various social media platforms, we’ve never been more connected – but a lot of us have never felt more alone. Spend quality time with the people you love – People you admire – people who enjoy the same things as you – the same hobbies – similar ideas – the same passions. Surround yourself with like minded people that feel authentic just to you and light you up – and if you don’t have those people in your life now, then get out there and find them. Join a meetup or a local group; whether your interest is in joining a choir, a women’s circle or a walking group. Don’t be shy and take action today to start living the life of your dreams and sharing it with those you love.

    Set Goals

    “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.”  Winston Churchill

    Where are you heading in life? Do you know? Or are you just drifting along without a clear focus or direction? Setting goals doesn’t have to be a complex process or plan. It can simply be about;

    • Deciding
      • What is it exactly you want to achieve – write it down!
        • If you’re not even sure what it is, how will you know when you get there?
      • Tell someone
        • This point generally makes us accountable for the goal.
      • Break it down
        • What do you need in order to get to where you want.
      • What’s the first step
        • Remember the old Chinese proverb….”the journey of 1000 miles begins with 1 step”
        • If you have no idea where to start, just start something and trust that the rest will follow…
      • Keep going………
        • Just keep going
      • Celebrate
        • Too often we don’t celebrate our wins before we’re plotting and planning our next goal. Take time to reflect and celebrate. You’ve earnt it!

    Help Others

    We all know how great it feels to receive, however the most meaningful gifts come, not wrapped in gift wrap and frilly bows, but in helping and giving to others. These gifts can offer a tremendous sense of satisfaction, joy and purpose. Giving allows us to look beyond ourselves and see the bigger picture of what’s truly important. A great example of this is if you’ve travelled to countries less fortunate than Australia. Have your worries and challenges seemed not so significant when compared to the worries and challenges of others? Given the opportunity, even as total strangers we can reach out and show a lot of empathy and concern. What can you do today to give, in order to receive?


    OFTEN – that is all


    We’ve said it before – exercise releases ‘happy hormones’ that reduce stress, speed up your metabolism and encourage healthy sleep patterns. Exercise is a great way to keep fit and healthy and lengthen your life span. It doesn’t have to be ‘at the gym’, you could go for a walk after the evening meal, ride your bike home from work or sign onto 1 of the many online yoga platforms to stretch it out after a long day.

    Reflect on your past

    Are you having trouble identifying where you’re headed or what you’re goals are? You’re probably not alone. If you’re stuck and can’t figure out a way to move forward with your passions or your purpose, or you don’t know what your passions and purpose are – then take a detour and have a look back on your life. Sometimes reflecting on past events and challenges we can see exactly what our strengths are and where our joy has come from.

    • What were the biggest challenges you faced?
    • What were your greatest achievements?
    • What are you most proud of?
    • What brought you the most joy?
      • Pay close attention to the moments when you feel super fulfilled.
        • What is filling your cup right now?
        • When do you feel this in your day to day life?

    Once you have the answers, you’ll be able to take on more of this type of work, life, project that will put you on a path to your own success.

    Face your fears

    Finally, one way to overcome something is just to get on out there and do it! We all have fears however we can’t let them stop us from living our most honest and authentic life. We can’t think our way into our life’s passion and purpose, we have to do our way in. This means taking steps towards what you want and removing the things in your life that you don’t want or that no longer serve you So instead of overthinking it — What happens if I fail, Will it work out? Should I try that? What if I don’t like it? What if I don’t make money at it? Start taking steps toward your passions and purpose today!

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